Sunday, 27 December 2009

Happy New Year

Couple of photo's for you. The boathouse as it was (with Terry proppping it up) and where we are now with the pilings in place, ready for the concrete to go down.

Not withstanding the limited accomodation normal outings recommence next weekend. Look forward to seeing you there.

Happy New Year


Monday, 21 December 2009

DRC Christmas

Many thanks to those that turned out despite the ice and snow for the club Christmas meal on Saturday - I had a great time and hope you all did too.

Above: A few partygoers, including King Terry in his tiara

Below left and right: The clubhouse site in the snow

Below centre: Even the Yellow Perils held hands to keep warm in the snow

Happy Christmas!

Monday, 14 December 2009

Wintery Work

As you can see from these pics taken by Tim, all is progressing well with the preparations on-site for the new clubhouse...

Great to see our river looking as stunning as ever too!

Now why is the water only ever that flat on weekdays??!!