Thursday, 12 April 2012

Suffolk Indoor Rowing Champs. 2012

Hello everyone!

As you know the Suffolk Indoor Rowing Championship took place last Saturday. Thanks to all those who came and 'beasted' themselves - it was impressive to see the effort and commitment of all who rose to the challenge.

In the senior section, honours go to Chris Game and Emilie Wix. Well done to you both.

We also had class wins for Joseph Brierley, Rosie Streat, Olivia Haywood Smith, Dylan Ward, Katy Wilkinson-Selter, Megan Stocker, Louise Rickard, Steve Cooper, Regine Watts, Michael Streat, Sue Stockton, Caroline Huddy, Ken Anderson, John Churcher, Emilie Wix, and Alaistair Humphrey.

Click here for a link to the results. Many thanks to Michael S. for co-ordinating these.

Finally thanks to Sue, Ken, Chris and all the other organisers and helpers on the day - if nobody does it, nothing happens!


Steve C.
Club Secretary

Triumph for Holly Game and the Cambridge University Women's Boat Club

On the 25 of March, Holly Game (seat 5) rowing in The Woman's Boat race at Henley won against Oxford in dramatic style.

After leading by 2 lengths Cambridge's no 2 caught a crab, allowing Oxford to catch up and leaving the result down to a sprint for the line.

See the following link for a description of the race:

Pictures of the Crab:

Video of overtaking Oxford:

Holly is now back at Cambridge training for the Cambridge Small Boats regatta, where she will be competing in a pair, and for the British Universities regatta where she will be competing in the 8 and 4. Holly is hoping to trial for Team GB next year and wants to improve her sculling over the summer with the help of DRC.