Monday, 28 January 2008

Races in Feb and March

Hello! I just thought I would draw your attention to some good races coming up in the next few weeks.

Cambridge Winter League (17th Feb and 9th March) - As the first leg was cancelled due to flooding and bad weather, the annual series has been shortened to two races. Time is short and it is usually oversubscribed so anyone wishing to enter the Feb stage should contact me asap.

Norwich Head (23rd Feb) - Full details available on the Norwich RC web page. The course is 4,600m upstream on the Yare - it's long, but not liable to flooding (and cancellation) and a good winter challenge. There's also the promise of a warm welcome and post-race refreshments at NRC.

I regret that members wishing to enter will have to organise their own entries and transport for this race, as I am not able to do it.

Cambridge Champs Junior Head (8th March) - A special head race for juniors. Clio took part last year and it would be great to see the other juniors who've joined the club in the last year taking part this time as well. Full details are on the poster in the clubhouse, or I can email them to you.

Saturday, 12 January 2008

January Leg of Winter League Cancelled

Very disappointing news that due to flooding and a bad weather forecast, the first stage of the CWL has been cancelled. The February and March races will take place as normal - more details to follow soon :-(

Sunday, 6 January 2008

Pudding Races

Unlike our summer fun day, Raedwald smiled on us today and we were blessed with sunshine, high tide and (relatively) low winds for the first ever DRC Pudding Races.
Tim was master of ceremonies and drew names out of a hat (okay, bucket) to decide the crews and, after a little admiration of the new ramp, we all set off down to the red buoys near Waldringfield. There were just the right number of people for the following doubles: Tim & Oli, Terry & John, Anna & Mark, Bev & Chris, Clio & Em, Roger & Andy. With the tide racing out and wind blowing off the Waldringfield bank, the course rowed by each boat was going to be crucial; four crews decided to cling to the bank, whilst two braved it out on the Methersgate side of the channel. Bev and Chris set off first and set a good pace for the rest of us to maintain. With approx. 1000m gone, Mark & I took the lead, closely followed by Roger & Andy and these two boats stayed neck and neck up towards Methersgate. At this point the others had a little steering difficulty (!) and I thought Mark & I were going to steam ahead to the finish...the trouble was that we were actually only about half way and just a couple of minutes later Roger & Andy started to pull ahead of us. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse, Oli & Tim appeared from nowhere and also steamed past us to the finish. Terry & John meanwhile had also sneaked up on the other side of the river, but I think we just managed to stay in front. The two women's doubles also battled well against the tide and wind, crossing the finish line shortly afterwards.
Back on the bank, we celebrated with a little bubbly and awarded the puddings to Roger & Andy - a pretty impressive result considering that they hadn't even realised the races were on until they arrived at the clubhouse!
Thanks for adding another great even to the DRC year, Tim :-)

Saturday, 5 January 2008


The days of sliding precariously sideways towards the Deben finally ended today as our sparkling new ramp welcomed its first users. As was only right and fitting, the first person to enjoy its delights was Mr Ramp himself, Sir Terry Davey MBE supported by his able helper Sir John Churcher. New railings and some protective edging will be added soon. A huge thanks to Terry and everyone involved in making it happen.

Friday, 4 January 2008


Pudding Races on Sunday:

As ever: We are not entirely sure what weather Raedwald is going to throw at us on Sunday. At the worst , after an ergo, we may adjourn to the station café for a Full English. At best, we will race and then enjoy glass of something plus nibbles at the club house followed by the Cherry Tree.
In any event we will not be asking for a cap but you may care to contribute a bottle of something or maybe some bikkies or cake to the festivities.

Look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.


New Ramp

Here are some pictures of our new ramp. What a great way to start the New Year and a big THANK YOU to all involved!!

Hopefully lots of you will be down at the club on Sunday for Pudding Races and official ramp opening celebrations.